Monday, November 2, 2009


In the dim, he sleeps and I sit, listening to the tick tick of the iv drip. A thin ribbon of red flows from overhead. My eyes fix on the words "volunteer donor."

Today I offer a prayer of thanks and blessing to "volunteer donor" for his/her precious gift to my Dear Professor. They are an army of 5 before the day is done.

Five, the number of grace. How can I say thanks for such a treasure?

But there are more. A multitude. I offer gratitude to:

the calm voice answering the 911 call;

the emergency team who whisk him off into the night, sirens blaring, lights flashing, down our country road;

a young friend who leaves husband and child to surprise me in the ER asking, "how are you?";

a smile and hug from an old acquaintance now working in the hospital;

a brief visit from far away friends bringing a prayer, a touch, and a meal to nourish my body as their friendship nourishes my soul;

the skilled hands of paramedics, nurses, doctors, technicians offering compassion and care;

our scattered family supporting us over the miles with calls, prayers, email;

our faith community, encouraging and journeying with us;

Our Father, Great Physician, Giver of life, Quieter of fearful minds, Restorer, Redeemer;

There are more for tomorrow, but that is a start for today. My heart is full. My eyes overflow as I lean against my Dear Professor's chest and listen... to his heart... beat.

In the dim, he sleeps and I sit. Thankful.

(note: The above was written 3 days ago. My Dear Professor continues his recovery, gaining strength each day. For that I continue to be thankful.)

jas sig

holy experience