A few years ago we attended a Renovare conference in Colorado. It was a very spiritually rich few days and I am still feasting off the notes. It was during our time there that we were introduced to a singing group from the Northumbria Community in northeast England. This community was founded in the late 70s and grew organically.
"As the founders pioneered and explored, a Community emerged around them, unplanned, spontaneous. Then out of a life actually being lived, with shared relationships and common values, a way of life was formed centred in ‘the one thing necessary’ of seeking God through Availability and Vulnerability. In discovering the history and heritage of Celtic Northumbria; the strong links to the saints and scholars of Ireland, the wisdom tradition of the Desert Fathers, the ‘mixed life’ of the Franciscans, there was a blending of cell and coracle, of monastery and mission, from which the language and ethos of the Community was born and is still sustained."
I was attracted to the group's folk style and simple, truth filled lyrics. Yesterday, driving home from church, I was touched again by this song of reality and hope.
My Times are in Your Hands
Alistair Maclean, Celtic Daily Prayer
Even though the day be laden
my task dreary
my strength small
A song keeps singing in my heart
for I know
that I am Thine
I am part of Thee
Thou are kin to me
and my times
all my times
I am part of Thee
Thou are kin to me
and my times
all my times
are in Thine hands