Simon and Garfunkel sang, "Hello darkness, my old friend." If we are children of the light in Christ, why are we so hesitant to give up the darkness in our hearts?
The first winter I had chickens, I kept them inside a small building to protect them from the cold and predators. When summer came, I opened up the coop door fully expecting the birds to fly out into the big, bright, beautifully green world in search of bugs and grass seed.
But they didn't.
They were very hesitant to move beyond their 12x6 foot winter prison. The hens stayed huddled in the opposite corner as they watched their protector, the rooster, pace slowly back and forth toward the door. Finally, after almost an hour of wary exploration of the general area, the rooster poked his head through the opening. His body followed slowly, and then the hens following his example marched out one by one according to their pecking order.
Freedom and light are extremely intimidating to the imprisoned, darkened soul. That is why Jesus patiently comes to us again and again and again with his post resurrection message, "Don't be afraid." He's gone before us and taken care of the monsters, imagined and real. Out of unfathomable love, he who knew no sin suffered the punishment that should have been ours.
Don't be afraid.
I think those are my second most favorite words in the Bible. They have soothed my wounded heart when I felt my world was falling apart. They have given me courage to go on in the midst of crushing loss. They beckon me to trust him.
And my most favorite words? "I have loved you with an everlasting love."
Don't be afraid. Trust him. He may not be a safe lion, but he is good, and he loves us more than we can imagine.