Over on the iron acres blog, I posted about Susan Boyle, the woman of the hour on the internet. The whole world seems to be focused on this wee Scottish woman who entered a singing contest in Glasgow. What is it about her history, her appearance, her talent, the song she chose that resonates so deeply in our hearts? I think that is an important question to ask ourselves before the glory and purity of the moment is degraded by what the world calls success.
Behind the themes of overcoming great odds, realizing a dream, and hidden beauty revealed, lies our core human desire--to be vulnerable, to be known, and to be valued. We share a common dream of justice and grace. Where does that come from?
I think it is a part of our spiritual dna, a distant memory of what it was like to be in the Garden, to be naked, and unafraid, to live in communion with our Creator God and be told, "you are good." God told us we were good when he made Adam and Eve, and He reminded us again when Jesus came to earth to die for us in order to reinstate that relationship we had before the Fall.
Yes, we continue to do horrible things to each other, but that is part of our fallen dna--sin. Sin wires us to satisfy our selfish desires at the expense of others. Our sin has programmed us to build a world based on our own conceit. That is why God chooses the "foolish" things to confound those who are worldly wise, the "weak" things to overcome the worldy strong.
The power of God is made manifest in the weak and common things. That is what touches our core longing to get back to our home in Him. A world of love, beauty, and relationship. The hope, the promise of redemption. The world God dreamed for us in creation. The world God dreams in us as we return to Him.